Sunday, May 29, 2011

Some Images from Japan

I was shocked to see that it has been over a month since I last made an entry to this blog. Susann and I had a wonderful time in Japan. Given my obsession with the physical deterioration of cities, rural areas and small towns here in the US that I have been photographing and carrying on about in this blog what I encountered in Kyoto and Osaka, while not surprising, was quite stunning, especially because of the long duration of serious economic problems that Japan has suffered. I did not encounter a single abandoned commerical or residential building or any run down dwellings or businesses. In all the ways that a  tourist can judge another society I saw nothing but a well ordered very civilized populace. I hope to have time to make several entries to this blog about the contrasts. In the meantime I am posting some photographs. Only a couple have been refined in Photoshop, so don't expect art. You may, however, find them interesting.

Allison and Damian Christie

Charles and Kaori during the  marriage ceremony

The wedding party walking to the temple